
You had time to waste
but I'm not sorry
Such a basket case
hide the cutlery
I had time to kill
It's dead and buried
You've got guts to spill
but no one's trustworthy


paid the ransom

And I open up
like the back of a book

I ruin everything
with just a quick look

And I settle down
like a rocket explodes

Hit the ground
but how far out who knows

You got a sign
so I paid the ransom

You felt sorry
so I felt the wrath come

Had a nice grip on my life
till you twisted my arm

My arm


So long Tommy B

I was going to type something else as the title when when I started to type the word "so" this phase appeared. I don't what this means or why I once typed it out.

Anyway I was going to title this piece "so I have to admit something"

The something I have to admit is that I actually really like Justin Timberlake. Not so much for his music but man to I respect him. I'm envious of him. I'm watching him host the ESPYs and he is doing a great job, I think, and its only been 45 mins.

Also where the hell did this weekend go? Its almost 10pm on this sunday. Weekend over and I felt like it didn't even start yet.

Kristen Bell is really fantastic.

Why does Zac Efron spell his name with a C instead of a K? Zak clearly is cooler than Zac. What a loser.

Posh Beckham doesn't seem to be enjoying herself or able to take a joke.

I've seen Brenden Frasier three times already. Wow.

I'll think I'll add updates to this post as I continue to watch. It is kind of fun.


tom cruise as a narrator?

meanwhile katie is on TNT or TBS with batman begins. go katie!

danica patrick totally wants timberlake

two shots of kiefer in the past 5 minutes? Not drunk yet.

no wait number three

***updates #3***

best female athlete. I hate to say it but...candace parker? oh well

ha a joke about gambling

brenden frasier presenting? oh boy...and they give him best play? what the...

gotta go with the giants on this one...although that mississippi miracle was pretty good.

haha, nice joke my manning about the offensive line blocking no one.

****update 4****

man do they love aaron rogers. they keep showing him.

Kate Walsh looks good tonight...but at the same token, what happened to her?

best game? this should be good. NCAA final. Game 4 of the NBA Finals. Super Bowl.

Giants win...eh. I mean it was a great game and they did beat the upbeaten pats and all but you know, I was kind of rooting for the C's.

robin roberts and stuart scott...what happened to them.

...ouch. so I just learned that robin has breast cancer. I'm an ass.

kevin everett. I forgot about him. scary play. great to see him walking.

*****update 5*****

Boston Celtics win best team. But what is even better is that BRIAN SCALABRINE is there! The only white guy on the team and on stage. Its funny because with the close of of the mic and ray allen talking, who do we still drifting in the back row? Mr Scalabrine. Hahaha that was great!

good night!


8/10 Spina pokies
goes to The Dark Knight.
Ledger was great in it, can't deny it.
A few things threw off the movie for me but all in all a good flick.
Big fan of Nolan anyway and he continues to do a great job with this franchise
that had to have a much needed face lift.

Comes out next week.
Although they say it really doesn't have much to do with the show and its themes
I'm still looking forward to it.



they found me face down in the street
on the night you left to find
another place to sleep
in rain and regret
they said they tried everything
but it was no use
yeah, they tried everything and everyone
but you



And how could a rooftop view in London
Look just the same as one in Brooklyn?
Nothing has changed but now I fight with the words
And I can't see so good


So pissed

Oh man

so angry that words can't even say.

bike gone

helmet and broken chain I have

some good

I hate myself...oh wait...phone? broken too from the crash?


can't text longer that six seconds and can't talk longer than 2 minutes


I hate myself right now

I did beat dan in whiffs today...first game of the year 9-7

take that Tufts Field

I'm upset...every much so....


The Lion King in 5 seconds

man did this make me laugh this morning...and I needed it.



There are times when I ride my bike that I don't think I should be alive.

What is the point? What is the reason?

Why do I came it back home when I feel that I shouldn't.

The crash last night really jumbled the mind...and probably organs and ribs and stuff like that.

I know I shouldn't ride at times but I still do and feel happy when I do it. I feel like I'm unstoppable and for a moment I'm important. I mean something. I have a purpose.

I know I have used the line over and over of late but its just how I feel at times. Every time I listen to it I relate to it. Enjoy the link.

I didn't want to make it back alive.

But I guess it is just me being me. I'm very complex person that I don't let people know because I know it is for the best. This why I put people before my needs and I'm happy to do so. It makes me happy.

But I'm entitled to be crazy wreak? Right? I mean I do have an alcoholic mother who has started to cut herself (and plays it off as though it is funny and not a big deal) to having a grandfather who had tinnitus and attempted suicide in his life.

I think I fit right in.

i'm dead

the second and/or the worse crash I have ever taken on a bike happened tonight and no one to pass it along to equals me MIA for sometime.

My side hurts, my arms hurts, my finger hurts, my lip hurts, my head hurts...along of places hurt like mu leg too. Man what a crash. god damn homeless/runners/everyone.


be back in 10-15 days and/or 21/30 days



So I saw WALL-E yesterday with luigi and holly. I haven't seen a movie with luigi in a while and forgot how long it takes him to finally get to the seats. I'm so use to getting to the movies early and sitting in a seat like 20 mins before it starts. The movie was at 420 and I met them around 405. Knowing it was a Saturday in the middle of the day I knew it would be packed. They had to get snacks when we got inside and when it was all said and don't we enter to grab seats at 425. lucky for us the previews hadn't started yet.

Anyway rant over WALL-E was awesome. Really cute and other than the plot being a little questionable, the movie worked well without dialogue.

And what an awesome Wimbledon final. Congrats to Nadal

I also need to stop yelping. wrote about 11 of them today and I could easily keep going



so I have been sitting on the couch for the past few hours enjoying having the place to myself until my two roommates had decided to come home from their trip to NY.

So I'm listening to the game and was watching the movie off my laptop, my DVD player that I put in the living room is currently in someones bed room because their's hadn't worked since we moved in.

Anyway I'm sitting here enjoying things when patty comes and turns on the TV and puts on Pretty in Pink.

She has to raise the volume on the TV too because I have WFAN playing off my computer.

Normally I would be nice and turn it off but fuck that. I have been here first and why should I have to give in for them to watch a stupid movie. I'm kind of pissed off right now.

This is why I hang out in my room all the time. It isn't because I don't want to hangout with them its more of that we don't have the same taste in TV programs to watch.

Anyway I just watched Dan in Real Life. Wasn't that bad but it reminded me of the The family Stone in terms of plot. Also Steve Carell wasn't bad in a more serious role. Dane Cook played his brother and he couldn't cut it in a role like that. I just can't take him serious....yet.


I went to two new bars last night

So yesterday was fun because I got to visit two bars in the Boston area that I have never been too.

Yesterday I get out of work around 4 and meet up with Nate. The barking Crab is where we go. This is only the second time I've ever been there. The first time was with Ashley back in the fall. We grab some brews and some food while we wait for dan to get out of work and nate's girlfriend to show up. The crab was starting to get packed so we decided to go to Lucky's.

Now I have never been there though I have heard the name before (and seen the logo too) but never really knew where it was. In fact I still really don't. There isn't any signs posted outside of it...at least I didn't see any.

The inside was pretty kick ass too. nice and cool first off which was nice and there were two sides to the place. Def. would go back again.

After that we get caught in some rain as we head back to the Crab...mainly because my bike is locked there.

We get back there and its still packed so nate and his girl take off and me and dan head to foleys for a bit. Watch some of the Red Sox-Yanks game.

Since I still had my bike I head over to 50 to grab my bag, not before stopping into the E&C for a quick Black and Tan.

afterward me and dan are hunrgy so he head over to the Unos in Harvard Sq for the late night snack menu. Because I still have my bike I do something from the first time ever. I bring my bike on the T. Now everyone does it but its awesome kind of exciting to do something new.

After we grab out food we head to the second new bar of the evening. Whitney's in Harvard Sq is a bar I've seen before but haven't gone in.

The place was pretty cool. A little small dive bar but overall pretty good. Plus they have PBR on tap. Always a good sign.

The only bad thing is I woke up at 7 in the morning to Rod banging away and sawing in the basement. Ass


I'm so mean right now but I'm really happy at the same time.

now I just need them damn checks to pay the bills and all will be good

mike and patty are going to Chicago tomorrow and coming back sunday

I really want to go.

I wish I had someone I could do stuff with. go explore, have fun. I sick of doing things by myself. You know they say that you should first make yourself happy before others but going on trips alone won't make me happy.

I could if I wanted too. I have money I can use. But I don't want to experience something alone. One of places I want to visit in the whole world is the Colosseum. I've written papers on it in the past and it has always held my interest over the years. When I finally go and get to be able to stand inside and look around I know i'll probably get a surge feeling run through my body. I don't even know what it will be like but it will be awesome...I just know it.

But this is something I don't want to share by myself. What's the point really. I would get to have that memory for myself but what good is that if I didn't have someone to share it with.

oh Watertown...


today has been a crappy day and to told it all off some shit head splashed water from a puddle on me with their car

who the fuck does that.


I attempted to bike up to the car and seek revenge but the car took off. I didn't even care was I was riding I was so mad that I almost smacked into another car in the middle of storrow drive.

almost 4th of july and I still have no plans. no offers for anything. sigh. mike and patty are going away somewhere...maine, NYC...somewhere and I'll be stuck in watertown celebrating my fourth of july alone...won't be the first time and it is another major holiday I get to spend with myself. I guess I'm starting to be an expert at this.

what a life I live.


fuck you 71

Haven’t added anything new in awhile and because Erica had brought up that she has been blogging I got to thinking that there are some topics that have happened to me in the past few weeks that I could share.

So last night I got home around 10:15pm after playing trivia at the sidebar with dan, holly, and amy. At first it was just me and dan and in fact in round one got zero questions right. We did kick ass on the first bonus round getting 19 out of 23 right. I had called holly to see if she wanted to join us because since I don’t know that many people I knew she was close by. She said yes and brought amy. It was nice to see them both and dan was in true form, although not drunk, just not good at handling people when they don’t like him or aren’t giving in to this behavior. An example of this was we had a discussion about cats and dan, the odd man out, has to tell everyone he hates them. So three out of the four like cats and he has to inform his dislike about them. I don’t know about that kid sometimes.
Anyway he came in last place and around 9 dan and I start heading home. I get to Harvard sq around 915 and have to fuckin’ wait a good 45 mins for the damn 71 bus. I hate that bus so much. I have seen 4 73s go by once before another 71 comes. Honestly it’s the slowest bus line ever. Last night two 73s came by before another 71. Pisses me off. I didn’t get home until 1015pm. I really am thinking about writing the mbta an email about this, just to see what they have to save…maybe the metro.
This is why I bought a bike. No more spending money on a monthly pass when I can ride for 40 mins on my own. Despite the fact the people who run/walk on the trail are stupid and don’t know the rules, I’ll deal with it.
That's just it Kara. I didn't want to make it back alive.