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so lets recap what has been happening the past few days.

[Tuesday] 10/30
The day of the Red Sox parade. Normally I could careless but I decided to check it out mainly because since it started at 12 at Fenway that around 1-15ish it would be by government center which is where I went to check it out. When I got there I was so far away that I couldn't see much and even when the duck boats rolled by, I couldn't see much. I ended up leaving right after they all past, not staying to listening to the dropkicks play "tessie" mainly because I had to head back to work and the number of drunken high school kids climbing on stuff was getting out of hand. On my way back I saw jarett and we talked for a bit walking back to 50 milk. Overall was alright and I can say that I was there.

[Wednesday] 10/31
Birthday day. Number 23. Yikes! The best part of having a birthday on Halloween is it does allow you to tell people it's your birthday, which I did a few times because people ask what I will be doing for halloween and I can reply, "well I'm going out since it's my birthday" Bam, hit them with the truth and get happy birthday praise from total strangers. awesome. checkmate.

I did get a bunch of free stuff, not because it was my birthday but because of halloween. I got a free blueberry muffin, hot apple cider, candy, and turkey sandwich, with chips and cookie.

Pretty good, I thought. When I got out of work at 4 I had plans to meet up with mike. He had called me during the day saying he might get out early and wouldn't probably meet me by park street around 445. I decided that since it was my birthday that I would play some scratch tickets. I do on occasion from the local newsstand thanks to louie when we would work together and now that sharyon does I sometimes buy a couple 1 dollar ones. Today I decided to play 5 bucks worth by getting 3 one dollar ones and a 2 dollar one. I got the crossword puzzle game and despite my dislike of it I won my 2 bucks back in the game. With the 3 other dollar tickets I had I ended up winning 5 bucks so I made 2 extra bucks and was at a total of 7 dollars. I figured I would cash in those for more and got to more crossword = 4 dollars and rounded out the last 3 bucks with 3 more one dollars. This time I win 5 bucks so I'm right back where I started which I then figure I should stop and break even. All is good.

I meet up with the kittridge and we head to beantown pub for a drink and a game of pool. Afterwards we head towards The Hill to grab some dinner and some drinks. I hadn't been in that bar in a while so it was nice to go back. Overall, good as usually. After that we went to a few CVS' to kill sometime before josh's violin performance. I wasn't really invited but it wasn't a big deal I showed up and it was pretty rockin' I must say. It was over on Chestnut St. and I hadn't been over on Beacon Hill in a while. It was nice and the Harvard music museum or whatever the place was called was very nice. Afterward me and mike hit the shang for a scorpion bowl for each of us. After I decided to head back to quincy. That a fun walk but whatever.

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