Rambles part 1: First Blood

As I type the the buzz around the baseball world is that the mets are close to getting Luis Castillo from the Twins to play 2nd. I'm not really big on the trade for I like Gotay but we wouldn't be giving up anyone important and he is a proven guy that out of the number two hole after Reyes might work out. Plus plays good defense.

We shall see, this after the Braves gave half their farm for Teixeira and might be close to getting Dotel. Hmm...

Maybe Omar felt the need to do something, although pitching would be nice, hopefully Pedro will/can come back soon and help.

In other news, today was an average day. Continued to look/research/apply for jobs. Did some photo editing as well, tossed around some website thoughts, all that fun Graphic Design stuff.

Called my investors today and they are mailing me a check which hopefully will arrive when Mr. Darren said said it would.

Last friday I finally saw the Shakespeare on the Common (or is it in?) presentation of a midsummer nights dream which I thought was great. First half was kind of boring and slow but the end half was fantastic. The Pyramus and Thisbe performance within the play was awesome. That is what is great about comedies, they can be done so many different ways.

Also this past weekend I saw The Simpsons Movie. It was better than I thought it would be, which I think is saying a lot considering I stopped watching religiously since about 2003 after years or taping them on VHS growing up.

Ok so this ramble is going to end. I have more to say like what is the deal with never being able to find a fork when needed and what is that smell coming from outside.

Have a good one!


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